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Hardy Fern Home

All Ferns
Fern Families

Fern Genera

Common Names Found Here

Adulterated spleenwort Alabama lip fern Alaska sword fern Alpine bladder fern
Alpine cliff fern Alpine lady fern Alpine water fern Alpine woodsia
American climbing fern American rock brake Anderson's sword fern Appalachian polypody
Asiatic holly fern Autumn fern Bead fern Beaded wood fern
Berry bladder fern Big leaf holly fern Bird's foot fern Black lady fern
Black spleenwort Black wood fern Blunt-lobed woodsia Bog fern
Bracken Braun's hollyfern Brewer's cliff brake Bridge's cliff brake
Bristle fern Brittle fern Broad beech fern Broad buckler fern
Bulblet bladder fern California barrel California polypody Chinese brake
Christmas fern Cinnamon fern Clinton's wood fern Coast polypody
Coastal wood fern Common polypoidy Coville's lip fern Crested wood fern
Cretan brake Deer fern Dwarf hard fern Dwarf holly fern
Dwarf male fern Eared lady fern East Indian holly fern East Indian holly fern
Ebony spleenwort Evergreen wood fern Fancy fern Five-finger fern
Flowering fern Forked spleenwort Fragile fern Fragile rock-brake
Fragrant cliff fern Giant wood fern Glade fern Goldie's fern
Gray's polypody Green spleenwort Hairy lip fern Hard fern
Hard shield fern Hart's tongue fern Hartford fern Hay-scented fern
Hay-scented wood fern Holly fern Holly fern woodsia Huguenot fern
Imbricate sword fern Indian's dream Intermediate polypody Interrupted fern
Japanese beech fern Japanese climbing fern Japanese felt fern Japanese holly fern
Japanese painted fern Japanese tassel fern Korean rock fern Kruckeberg's holly fern
Lace fern Lady fern Laurentian bladder fern Leathery polypody
Lemon-scented fern Licorice fern Limestone oak fern Limestone wood fern
Little hard fern Log fern Long-eared holly fern Lowland brittle fern
Mackay's brittle fern Maidenhair spleenwort Makino's holly fern Male fern
Marginal wood fern Marsh fern Massachusetts fern Mexican male fern
Mother shield fern Mountain bladder fern Mountain cliff fern Mountain holly fern
Mountain male fern Mountain polypody Mountain spleenwort Mountain wood fern
Multileg Siberian Narrow beech fern Narrow-leaved sword fern Netted chain fern
New York fern Northern beech fern Northern buckler fern Northern maidenhair
Northern oak fern Northern wood fern Northern woodsia Oak fern
Oblong woodsia Oregon cliff fern Oshaguji-denda Ostrich fern
Pacific oak fern Parsley fern Parsley fern Polypode de Sib�rie
Prickly shield fern Purple cliff brake Resurrection fern Rigid buckler fern
Rigid sword fern Robert's oak fern Rock polypody Rock sword fern
Rock-cap fern Royal fern Rusty cliff fern Rusty woodsia
Rustyback Saw-leaved bracken Scale fern Scaly buckler fern
Scaly male fern Sensitive fern Shaggy wood fern Shasta fern
Shield fern Siberian polypod Silver cloak fern Silvery glade fern
Silvery spleenwort Slender cliff-brake Slender fragile fern Slender lip fern
Slender rock-brake Smooth cliff brake Smooth cliff fern Smooth lip fern
Smooth spleenwort Smooth woodsia Soft shield fern Southern beech fern
Southern maidenhair Southern polypody Southern wood fern Spider brake
Spider fern Spinulose wood fern Spinulose wood fern Steller's rock-brake
Sunset fern Sweet mountain fern Sword fern Tagawa's holly fern
Tapering fern Tongue fern Trifid holly fern Upside-down fern
Venus's-hair fern Virginia chain fern Walking fern Walking fern
Wall rue Wavy cloak fern Welsh polypody Western cliff fern
Western maindenhair Western oak fern Western polypody Western polypody
Winged beech fern Wooly lip fern
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