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��� Astrolepis Athyrium
��� Blechnum Cheilanthes
��� Cryptogramma Cystopteris
��� Dennstaedtia Deparia
��� Diplazium Dryopteris
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��� Matteuccia Onoclea
��� Oreopteris Osmunda
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��� Pteris Pyrrosia
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Cyrtomium caryotideum (Wall. ex Hook. et Grev.) C. Presl

Dwarf holly fern

Etymology Caryotideum means Caryota-like, and that comes from the genus Caryota, palms with pinnate leaves.
Description Rhizome: erect, short, a few fronds in a tuft, becoming massive in age, scales dark brown, 1--1.5 cm long.
Frond: 70 cm high , evergreen, monomorphic, blade/stipe ratio: 2:1.
Stipe: rather densely scaly at base, vascular bundles: 4 or more, in an arc.
Blade: 1-pinnate, oblong-lanceolate, leathery, gray-green, filiform scales below, glabrous above.
Pinnae: 3 to 6 pair, large, sometimes with pointed ears at the base, a terminal pinna largest; margins minutely serrate, spiny; veins netted.
Sori: round, small, in 2 or 3 rows parallel to the midrib, indusium: peltate, grayish, sometimes darker in center, central, sporangia: brown.
Culture Habitat: on muddy crevices of limestone in mountain forests. Distribution: Japan, China, Philippines, Vietnam, Hawaii. Hardy to -20�C, USDA Zone 6.
Aspidium caryotideum Wall. ex Hook. et Grev.
Polystichum caryotideum (Wall.) Diels
Cyrtomium caryotideum
Cyrtomium caryotideum. Habit, soral pattern, venation. �From the web site of Gerald Carr, Univ. of Hawaii
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