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Cheilanthes argentea (S. G. Gmelin) Kunze

Silver cloak fern

Etymology Argentea means silvery.
Description Rhizome: erect, short, scales reddish brown to dark brown, linear-lanceolate.
Frond: 20 cm high by 10 cm wide, evergreen, monomorphic, blade/stipe ratio: 1:2.
Stipe: purplish brown, polished, fragile, sparsely scaly at base, vascular bundles: 1.
Blade: 1-pinnate-pinnatifid, but there may be one pinnatifid pinnule on the lowest pinna next to the rachis, pentagonal, papery, gray-green above, white-waxy below, white or yellow powder from wax glands below, glabrous above.
Pinnae: 3 to 8 pair, one or two distinct pinnae pairs topped by a pinnatifid, winged rachis; segments fertile segment margins slightly enrolled to cover sporangia; margins serrate; veins free, forking.
Sori: linear, submarginal, indusium: false, continuous along the margin, sporangia: black.
Culture Habitat: dry limestone rocks, mortared walls. Distribution: Siberia, Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Hardy to -25�C, USDA Zone 5.
Distinctive Characteristics The pentagonal�blade with white lower surface is distinctive.
Pteris argentea S. G. Gmelin
Aleuritopteris argentea (S.G. Gmelin) F�e
Cheilanthes argentea
Cheilanthes argentea. Fertile pinna, lower surface in focus. More photos at the Resource Xerophytische Farne - Xerophytic Ferns �Photo by Otto Ganss from his fern site
Taxonomy In taxonomic circles Aleuritopterisis the preferred name. In garden writing Cheilanthes wins 3:1 in 2010, but is losing ground, entirely lost in China.
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