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Polypodium cambricum Linnaeus

Southern polypody, Welsh polypody

Etymology Cambricum means from Cambria, an earlier name for Wales
Description Rhizome: creeping, branching, whitish waxy, to 5mm diam., scales lanceolate, red-brown, to 16 mm.
Frond: 30 cm high by 12 cm wide, summer dormant, new fronds late summer, monomorphic, blade/stipe ratio: 2:1.
Stipe: jointed at base, straw-colored, glabrous, vascular bundles: 3 at the base, unifying upwards into an open v-shape.
Blade: pinnatifid, small fronds triangular, larger ones broadly oval, leathery or herbaceous, pale-green or yellow-green in the open, mid-green in shade, glabrous.
Pinnae: 9 to 18 pair, alternate, longest pinnae soon above the base; margins serrate; veins free, forking.
Sori: oval when young, round later, discrete, visible on the upper surface, midway between margin and midrib, on the upper half of the blade, indusium: absent, sporangia: early green, later yellow; paraphyses present, maturity: winter-spring.
Dimensionality: lowest pinnae sharply inflexed above the plane of the blade.
Phenology: emerges August-September.
Culture Habitat: on calcareous rock, mortared walls, sometimes epiphytic on oaks, often coastal. Distribution: westernmost and southern Europe, northern Africa, east to Lebanon. Hardy to USDA Zone 7 or 8.
Distinctive Characteristics Among the European species, the triangular to oval blade form is indicative, as are the long rhizome scales. The presence of paraphyses in the sorus is conclusive.
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