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P. lemmonii resources
E-Flora: British ColumbiaE-Flora: British Columbia
North AmericaNorth America
Flora of North AmericaFlora of North America
Jepson ManualJepson Manual
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All Ferns
�� Polystichum
���� acrostichoides aculeatum
���� andersonii braunii
���� craspedosorum imbricans
���� kruckebergii lemmonii
���� lepidocaulon lonchitis
���� makinoi munitum
���� neolobatum polyblepharum
���� proliferum retroso-paleaceum
���� rigens scopulinum
���� setiferum setigerum
���� tagawanum tripteron
���� tsus-simense xiphophyllum

�Other Genera
��� Adiantum Arachniodes
��� Aspidotis Asplenium
��� Astrolepis Athyrium
��� Blechnum Cheilanthes
��� Cryptogramma Cyrtomium
��� Cystopteris Dennstaedtia
��� Deparia Diplazium
��� Dryopteris Gymnocarpium
��� Lygodium Matteuccia
��� Onoclea Oreopteris
��� Osmunda Pellaea
��� Phegopteris Pleopeltis
��� Polypodium Pteridium
��� Pteris Pyrrosia
��� Thelypteris Woodsia
��� Woodwardia
Polystichum lemmonii L. Underwood

Shasta fern

Etymology After John Gill Lemmon, 1832-1908, a collector in the American west.
Description Rhizome: erect.
Frond: 35 cm high by 6 cm wide, evergreen, monomorphic , blade/stipe ratio: 3:1 to 4:1.
Stipe: grooved, sparsely scaly, reddish brown, abruptly diminishing in size distally, vascular bundles: 4 or more, in an arc.
Blade: 2-pinnate, scarcely narrowed at base, linear to lanceolate, very erect, glossy, stipe scales pale tan, microscales narrowly lanceolate, � confined to costa of both surfaces.
Pinnae: ovate, folded inward and twisted horizontally, 0.5--2 cm; base truncate to oblique; margins entire to weakly dentate; veins free, forked.
Sori: round, seemingly scattered at random on fertile pinnae, indusium: peltate, central, sporangia: dark brown to blackish.
Dimensionality: pinnae twisted horizontally.
Culture Habitat: rocky serpentine slopes, uncommon. Distribution: British Columbia to central California. Hardy to -20�C, USDA Zone 6. Unlikely to be in cultivation..
Distinctive Characteristics Non-spiny, the only such Polystichum here.
Polystichum mohrioides (Bory) C. Presl var. lemmonii (L. Underwood) Fernald
Aetopteron lemmoni House
Polystichum lemmonii
Polystichum lemmonii. a) frond, b) fertile pinna. �Illustration by V. Fulford from Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada, William J. Cody and Donald M. Britton, 1989, � Agriculture Canada, used with permission.
Serpentine Arthur Kruckeberg: "Of the western ferns on serpentine, only Polystichum lemmonii is obligate," personal communication.
Stipe Scales The description of the stipe as�"sparsely scaly" in FNA (along with an illustration there)�contradicts the drawing here. A drawing in How to Know the Ferns and Fern Allies, J.T. Mickel, shows no scales at all. At CalPhotos (see the link), sparsely seems appropriate.
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