Athyrium otophorum (Miq.) Koidz.

Eared lady fern

Etymology From oto, ear. See description of the pinnae.
Description Rhizome: erect, short, scales linear-lanceolate, 0.8--1 cm long, black or blackish brown, polished.
Frond: 80 cm high by 30 cm wide, deciduous, monomorphic, blade/stipe ratio: 1:1 to 3:2.
Stipe: burgundy, the color carried to rachis and costa, dark brown at swollen, laterally spinous base, old stipe bases persistent, scaly at base, 8-10 mm long, nearly black, lustrous, vascular bundles: 2, lunate, uniting to a U-shape above.
Blade: 2-pinnate, triangular, papery, glabrous.
Pinnae: 8 to 15 pair, nearly sessile, lanceolate, 2--4 cm broad, long-pointed at apex; pinnules eared outward at the base; costae with prominent spines on the upper side at costule-base ; margins serrate; veins free, forked, prominent on the lower surface.
Sori: elongate to gently curved, near the costule, indusium: shape as for the sori.
Culture Habitat: no report found. Distribution: Japan, Korea, China. Hardy to -30°C, USDA Zone 4.
Distinctive Characteristics the burgundy rachis and costa provide immediate recognition
Asplenium otophorum Miq.
Diplazium otophorum (Miq.) C. Chr.
Athyrium rigescens Makino
Athyrium otophorum
Athyrium otophorum. late phase of emergence
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