Venustum means handsome or charming.
Rhizome: long-creeping, branching, to 2 mm, scales dark brown.
Frond: 30 cm high by 15 cm wide, deciduous, monomorphic, blade/stipe ratio: 3:2.
Stipe: dark purplish to nearly black, grooved above, scaly at base, glabrous in upper portion, 2 mm diam., vascular bundles: 1 or 2.
Blade: 3-pinnate at the base, triangular, with a terminal pinna similar to the terminal pinnules of the pinnae, membranaceous, glabrous.
Pinnae: 5 to 7 pair, lanceolate, to 10 cm, anadromous in plan, alternate, lowest pair the longest; pinnules 4-5 pair, to 1 cm, wedge-shaped, alternate, regularly toothed; margins fertile lobed, sterile toothed; veins free, forking.
Sori: sporangia, submarginal, indusium: false, inrolled margins, oblong at the ends of segments/pinnules, sporangia: light brown, maturity: late summer.
Habitat: forest floor at 2000-3000 m.
Distribution: Afghanistan, western China, Nepal.
Hardy to -25�C, USDA Zone 5.
Adiantum venustum. Habit.
�Photo: Tom Stuart