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Hardy Fern Home

C. crispa resources
Ferns of the British IslesFerns of the British Isles
Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz, with a CheilanthesFlora von Deutschland �sterreich und der Schweiz, with a Cheilanthes
habit: sterile and fertile frondshabit: sterile and fertile fronds
Flora of JapanFlora of Japan
habit, close-up of fertile pinnahabit, close-up of fertile pinna
habitat, Englandhabitat, England
habitat, Siberia perhapshabitat, Siberia perhaps
habitat, Waleshabitat, Wales
sterile and fertile bladessterile and fertile blades
Photo index

All Ferns
� Pteridaceae
�� Cryptogramma
���� acrostichoides
���� crispa
���� stelleri

�Other Genera
��� Adiantum �Arachniodes
��� Aspidotis �Asplenium
��� Astrolepis �Athyrium
��� Blechnum �Cheilanthes
��� Cyrtomium �Cystopteris
��� Dennstaedtia �Deparia
��� Diplazium �Dryopteris
��� Gymnocarpium �Lygodium
��� Matteuccia �Onoclea
��� Oreopteris �Osmunda
��� Pellaea �Phegopteris
��� Pleopeltis �Polypodium
��� Polystichum �Pteridium
��� Pteris �Pyrrosia
��� Thelypteris �Woodsia
��� Woodwardia
Cryptogramma crispa (L.) R. Br. ex Richardson

Parsley fern

Etymology Crispa means finely waved, or curled.
Description Rhizome: short-creeping, branching, covered with old stipe bases, scales thin, pale brown.
Frond: 30 cm high by 8 cm wide, deciduous, dimorphic, the sterile fronds half the length (to 15 cm) of the fertile ones, blade/stipe ratio: 1:2.
Stipe: straw-colored near the base, scaly at the base, vascular bundles: 2.
Blade: 3-pinnate with reports of more division, deltate to ovate, herbaceous, bright green, glabrous.
Pinnae: 4 to 6 pair, lanceolate, 2-4 cm, the fertile ones contracted; margins toothed; veins free.
Sori: scattered along veins, submarginal, indusium: false, strongly enrolled, sporangia: yellow, maturity: midsummer.
Culture Habitat: among acidic rocks in areas with late-lying snow. Distribution: Europe, at higher altitudes or latitudes. Hardy to -40�C, USDA Zone 2.
Distinctive Characteristics The common name is well-chosen. This is near C. acrostichoides, but more divided and deciduous.
Osmunda crispa L.
Allosorus crispus (L.) R�hling
Cryptogramma crispa
Cryptogramma crispa. Counterclockwise from lower left: habitat among gneiss and Rhacomitrium lanuginosum, mature fertile frond, sterile frond, fertile segments, sterile pinnae, and at center: stipe and rhizome scales. �Illustration from Scandinavian Ferns by Benjamin �llgaard and Kirsten Tind, Rhodos, 1993.
Cryptogramma crispa
Cryptogramma crispa. Cross-section of stipe: 2 vascular bundles. �Illustration from Scandinavian Ferns by Benjamin �llgaard and Kirsten Tind, Rhodos, 1993.
C. crispa, sterile frond left, fertile right
Cryptogramma crispa. Fertile frond, left; sterile right. �From Flora Danica, 1761-1864.
Cryptogramma crispa
Cryptogramma crispa. a) shorter sterile and longer fertile fronds, b) sterile pinnules. As variety sitchensis. �Illustration by V. Fulford from Ferns and Fern Allies of Canada, William J. Cody and Donald M. Britton, 1989, � Agriculture Canada, used with permission.
Cryptogramma crispa
Cryptogramma crispa. Creeping habit; sporeling. �Illustration from Scandinavian Ferns by Benjamin �llgaard and Kirsten Tind, Rhodos, 1993.
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