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P. tagawanum resources
Flora of JapanFlora of Japan
frond, fertile pinnaefrond, fertile pinnae
frond, fertile pinnae, as Polystichum pseudo-makinoifrond, fertile pinnae, as Polystichum pseudo-makinoi
stipe, rachis, sori, scalesstipe, rachis, sori, scales

All Ferns
�� Polystichum
���� acrostichoides aculeatum
���� andersonii braunii
���� craspedosorum imbricans
���� kruckebergii lemmonii
���� lepidocaulon lonchitis
���� makinoi munitum
���� neolobatum polyblepharum
���� proliferum retroso-paleaceum
���� rigens scopulinum
���� setiferum setigerum
���� tagawanum tripteron
���� tsus-simense xiphophyllum

�Other Genera
��� Adiantum Arachniodes
��� Aspidotis Asplenium
��� Astrolepis Athyrium
��� Blechnum Cheilanthes
��� Cryptogramma Cyrtomium
��� Cystopteris Dennstaedtia
��� Deparia Diplazium
��� Dryopteris Gymnocarpium
��� Lygodium Matteuccia
��� Onoclea Oreopteris
��� Osmunda Pellaea
��� Phegopteris Pleopeltis
��� Polypodium Pteridium
��� Pteris Pyrrosia
��� Thelypteris Woodsia
��� Woodwardia
Polystichum tagawanum Sa. Kurata

Tagawa's holly fern

Etymology Named for Mr. Tagawa, the Japanese botanist.
Description Rhizome: erect, short, thick, scaly.
Frond: 90 cm high by 20 cm wide, evergreen, monomorphic, blade/stipe ratio: 2:1 to 3:1.
Stipe: straw-colored to dark brown at base, grooved, scales at stipe base ovate-lanceolate, pale brown or red-brown, darker at the center, lustrous early, irregularly toothed, vascular bundles: 4 or more, in an arc.
Blade: 2-pinnate, lanceolate, soft-textured, pale green on upper surface, scales on rachis and pinna rachis linear-lanceolate to linear, pale brown or tinted red, with many irregular projections at margin, hairlike scales sc.
Pinnae: 18 to 25 pair, linear, the lowest pair bending towards the base and above the plane; pinnules obtuse to acute at apex, eared outwards, sometimes prominently, the first upper pinnule slightly larger to twice the size of the others; margins spiny; veins free, forked.
Sori: round, near the margin, scattered, sparse, indusium: peltate, small, dark center, central, sporangia: black.
Dimensionality: lowest pair of pinnae bending down, forward.
Culture Habitat: mountain slopes and on floor of forests. Distribution: Japan. Hardy to -30�C, USDA Zone 4.
Distinctive Characteristics in the drawing taken from the defining reference (reproduced in Hoshizaki and Moran), some of the upper pinnules closest to the rachis are themselves pinnate, highly distinctive, and not repeated in the photos above
Polystichum pseudo-makinoi Tagawa
Polystichum pseudo-makinoi Tagawa var. ambiguum Tagawa
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