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    Adiantum  Arachniodes
    Aspidotis  Asplenium
    Astrolepis  Athyrium
    Blechnum  Cheilanthes
    Cryptogramma  Cyrtomium
    Cystopteris  Dennstaedtia
    Deparia  Diplazium
    Dryopteris  Gymnocarpium
    Lygodium  Matteuccia
    Onoclea  Osmunda
    Pellaea  Phegopteris
    Pleopeltis  Polypodium
    Polystichum  Pteridium
    Pteris  Pyrrosia
    Thelypteris  Woodsia
Oreopteris Holub (Thelypteridaceae) Earlier placement: Aspleniaceae, Dryopteridaceae
Etymology Greek: From oreos, mountain, + pteron, wing, describing the pinnae. But note that pteris was used by ancient Greeks to describe all ferns. Oreopteris is a fern of the mountainous regions.
Description Rhizome: erect, triangular scales.
Frond: deciduous, monomorphic.
Stipe: grooved above (not continuous), scaly, vascular bundles: 2, crescent-shaped.
Blade: 1-pinnate to pinnate-pinnatifid, lanceolate to ovate, transparent needlelike hairs, glandular.
Pinnae: shortened towards the base, becoming extremely small, costae grooved above or not, veins free.
Sori: round or oblong, near the margins, indusium: small or absent.
Distinctive Characteristics Yellow glands on lower surface, hairs on costae, pinnae becoming tiny at the base.
Oreopteris. The yellow glands, hairs on the axes, and miniscule-to-vanishing indusia are required charaters.  Illustration from Scandinavian Ferns by Benjamin Ĝllgaard and Kirsten Tind, Rhodos, 1993.
Nomenclature The genus is recognized by European pteridologists, but not recognized by North Americans, submerging it in Thelypteris, from which it differs in erect rhizomes forming a rosette or crown vs. long-creeping, scales on the stipes vs. pointed hairs, and a vestigial indusium vs. reniform. There is not much talk about chromosome counts on this site, but they differ too. Genera have been circumscribed with fewer characters.
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